Friday, June 4, 2010

My life: Surgery and combat boots

Greetings loyal readers and fellow cold hearted Capitalists! Some of you may have speculated on my lack of blogging recently. More likely you didn't even notice, and I am in fact speaking to myself. While I could easily blame it on a lack of blogworthy news, because SCOTUS appointments and the Turks rattling the sabers at Israel are both dreadfully boring, I must admit that this is not the case. I feel compelled to let you know that I've been extraordinarily busy with the difficult job of working while recovering from minor surgery. Unfortunately, the next few weeks are unlikely to yield much in the way of blogging. I leave tomorrow for my annual training with the National Guard, and may not have reliable internet access during this time.

I promise, however, that I'll come back hitting the beaches strong, so to speak. If anyone has any ideas for blogs they'd like to see, feel free to comment them. I may not be able to post it but I can at least prepare to, and it'll come out faster in the end that way.

- Lobe