Naturally you may be asking yourself: Why wait? Why let the doubt go on for two years if he had the birth certificate all along?
Simple: It allowed plenty of time for the "Birthers" to work themselves into a frenzy, gave the Left time to paint all the opposition as such, and then gave the Magic O a chance to get in front of the Press and make his opponents look like idiots.
All in all, about as unpredictable as the end of a Scooby Doo episode. The only real question is why now, as opposed to right before the elections, for instance, or after the Republican primaries.
Of course, hard core belief in Obama being non-eligible for the Presidency due to his birth always required some suspension of disbelief. With the literally millions of dollars spent on elections and the dozens of very powerful people with their junk on the line, you would think this paper equivalent of a Disintegrate spell cast by a level 20 wizard (40d6 damage, because I know you're going to look it up if I don't tell you) would have come to the surface long before now if there was any true substance behind it. It is unlikely they'll let a little thing like proof get in their way.
Cue the thousands of youtube sleuths who will conclusively prove (without ever actually handling any kind of document) that this birth certificate is false, was actually created on Neptune, and shows irrefutably that Obama is in fact a dirty Muslim-pirate-cyborg.