Wednesday, March 3, 2010

MW3: The most realistic war game EVER!

It will come as no shock to anyone who has met me for more than three minutes that I am a gamer. I enjoy many genres, from RPGs (Role Playing Games) to music based games, i.e. Rock Band or Guitar Hero. I am also an infantryman, and so nitpicking shooters is kind of a hobby of mine. Shouting at the screen "That's not how you properly load a SAW, moron!" is almost as fun as actually playing the game. I must tip my hat to the folks at COD: Modern Warfare, however. Their newest installment, Modern Warfare 3, is guaranteed to be the most realistic game ever created.

How so? Because most of your life as a video game soldier will be spent waiting for orders and filling out paperwork.

Ultra-Realistic Modern Warfare Game Features Awaiting Orders, Repairing Trucks

My personal favorite line comes when, post-deployment, your character must fend off hordes of college students asking how hot it was, and how many people he killed. Now that, my friends, is realism at its best.

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