Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Returning from hiatus

Almost a month ago I noticed that people were reading my blog. Suddenly I had people come up to me, asking questions about my latest position or rant, as if it were normal and natural.

Strange, I know. I'm not quite sure how this happened. Regardless of the cause, I had a solution. I said to myself, "Self?" "Yes?" I answered. "How about we go on a completely unannounced and unplanned hiatus, not post anything at all for almost a month, then come back like nothing happened?" Yep, that oughta do it.

So, here I am again. In all seriousness, I did not plan to be away this long. Life got the better of me for a while. Fear not, eager reader (and Fluffy the imaginary monkey, of course), for I am returned. I will likely not be as active as I once was, but I will endeavour to provide the same mediocre quality of opinions and comments as always! We aim to please, here at Just Another Capitalist.

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