Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lord Specter mingles with the peasants

My source for the following is Check the article here. There isn’t a whole lot to say about it that Ed Morissey didn’t already say, but as usual, I won’t let that stop me!

Encouraging news from the town square, my friends! It doth seem that the noble Lord Specter of Pennsylvania chose to grace his adoring constituents subjects with his presence in a “Towne Hall” meeting yesterday. Things went rather smoothly until one of the serfs got uppity. Apparently he was under the impression that he had the “right” to ask questions of Lord Specter! His Grace was kind enough to allow the peasant his question, but fortunately only the one commoner got to speak.

Just in case this might have worried the common folk, Lord Specter reminded them of their position.

SPECTER: I’m encouraging constitutional rights. I’m encouraging
constitutional rights by coming to Lebanon to talk to my constituents. I
could be somewhere else. I don’t get any extra pay — I don’t have any
requirement to be here. But for somebody –

To which the crowd replied:

CROWD: [Angry murmuring] You work for us! You report to us!
SPECTER: Okay, okay, number — well, I am reporting to you …

Shocking! With the way they dare question the political autocracy, you’d think these idiots lived in a democratic republic, governed by a Constitution that begins with the word “We the people” or something.

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