Thursday, January 28, 2010

My how the time flies...

So, here we are. Nearly four months have passed since I was thawed from my cryogenic sleep. I am now only slightly more informed than the average American. I say slightly more, because I can indeed still do the following:

1) Point out America on a globe.
2) Point out all eight seven continents on the same globe.
3) Name all four branches of government. (Executive, Judicial, Legislative, and Jewish-Cyber-Ninjas)

I have made a few promises as to what issues I have to tackle. New Republican breaking of the Senate Majority, Urban Rap and it's affect on society, Cake vs. Pie revisited...But fear not, my faithful followers (Both of you, including Fluffy the Imaginary Monkey). Your source of stolen wisdom has not been snuffed out.

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