Monday, January 10, 2011

Amazing: John Green, father of shooting victim, says death is the price of a free society.

The video below is an interview given by John Green, father of the 9 year old victim of the shooting on Saturday. The girl was born on 9/11/2001. The father called the two tragedies bookends of her life. The most heartbreaking, and also the most amazing, moment comes right at the end of the video. Mr. Green, who remember had just had his daughter taken from him the day before, says that shootings like this are the "price of living with a free society", and that he "prefers this to the alternative".


To have that much poise, grace, and grit to be able to see through the tragedy of the moment and see the greater good is truly amazing, and I'm not ashamed to say it brings tears to my eyes. Watch it for yourself.

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