Friday, October 5, 2012

Debate Factcheck: Few lies, many exaggerations

As one should always do post-debate, I've been perusing the various fact checking websites to see just how badly our two Presidential hopefuls stretched and manipulated the truth. The short version is: They both exaggerated, but didn't outright lie all that much.

So, yay?

Here's a link to check for yourself at, and another from PolitiFact. It's mostly making things appear much worse and/or better than they actually are. For example, Romney claimed that half of college grads "couldn't find work", implying they were unemployed. In actuality, the study he cited said that 53.6% were unemployed or underemployed, meaning they might be able to find work but were not working as much as they would like or are very overqualified. Still bad, but not as bad. Likewise, Obama's plan to reduce the deficit by $4 trillion includes some dubious line items, such as savings from the war's ending...which is kind of silly if you think about it. The wars were ending anyway, so that's not really a "deficit reduction" plan.

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