Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Addendum to debt post: Now with pictures

Saw this neat little graph on Hotair after I made my entitlement debt post yesterday. This comes from the Government Accountability Office.

Click here for a bigger picture. In case it isn't clear, that's the debt held by the public as a percentage of GDP. The blue baseline assumes we reform entitlement programs (such as Social Security and Medicare). The non-unicorns & rainbows option is the "Alternative", without reform. See the difference?

In completely unrelated news, Treasury Secretary Geithner said that Social Security was off the table for negotiations. Because it's not currently a driver of the deficit.

Show your friends this graph, but don't frame the argument in "See all this debt? Isn't that bad!?" Nobody cares about abstract fiscal policy. Instead, bring it on home.

"The government isn't some invisible force that has no effect on your lives. If the government runs out of money, they will start taxing. Those taxes mean less money in the economy. That means fewer jobs. Fewer jobs mean that yours is at risk, and even if you don't lose yours, you will get paid less. The best entitlement program is a growing economy."

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