Friday, April 10, 2009

Obama Rating: 14%

Once again, this time on time, I present to you my own personal rating for el Presidente. It has been a rocky week for our Great Leader, but let's see if he can put together another two week rally. First up...

#1: The great "America Sucks, I should know, I'm president!" tour: The president has spent the last few weeks going around the world, making sure everyone knows that America sucks. It's an important job. Of course, the rest of the world has been saying that for a while, so it shouldn't be news to them. According to our President (addressing a crowd in Strasbourg):

"Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.”

You know, you guys were right all along. We ARE arrogant! We ARE nosy and interfering. The most astounding thing about this is that he said these things (and has said many other similar comments) on foreign soil. He's the President for goodness sakes. It'd be like Bill Gates trotting over to Apple and saying how mean and terrible Microsoft is. They just don't do that. If anyone ought to be pro-America, you'd think it would be our President.

Then again, I might be mistaken about the role of the President. After all, he apparently owes fealty to the muslim King of Saudi Arabia. I'm talking of course of the full waist bow he gave to King Abdullah at the G20 summit in London. No American needs to bow to royalty. We don't recognize them. It is part of being American, that we do not submit to monarchs. Of course, the Drive-bys and the White house are busy saying he didn't bow after all. He was...Picking up trash! That's it! No, no, he's just so gosh darned tall! Lies, all lies! See for yourself:

Huh...Looks like a bow to me. He loses 3% for "playing janitor" and trashing his own nation.

#2: Just because you do something silly like die doesn't mean we still don't get your money! (Kudos to Kris for giving me this one) Obama's budget resurrects the death tax faster than a level 18 Cleric of Lathander. The taxes were set to be eliminated this year, thanks to President Dubya. Obama put a stop to THAT nonsense though. Now they will remain at the low low rate of 45%! What a deal. Of course,

"Democrats contend that keeping the tax rate at 45 percent in 2010 is still a break from the 55 percent and insist the federal coffers would take too much of a hit if Congress completely repealed the tax."

Gee, thanks. You're so generous, ONLY taking 45% of our money. Now, it is true that this tax only affects estates "valued over $3.5 million dollars or $7 million for a couple." Opponents argue it catches small businesses and farmers, as well as the wealthy. I argue that it's their money, which they are leaving to their children. More importantly, it has already been taxed. That money was taxed when they received it. To quote the Seinfeld episode: You can't double dip the chip. Obama loses 4% for reaching into our pockets with both hands.

Another rough week. These two together drop him to 14%. But hey, look on the bright side. At least he's still in double digits!


That's Mrs. Mom to you, sir. said...

Still in double digits. Oh how you damn with faint praise. :D

The death tax really irks me, tjhough. No, I don't have an estate that has a high enough value that y'all need to worry about it (yet) but one of the great things about America is that anyone can aspire to that level. Hard work,dedication, perserverance, and all that may just pay off down the road. But if it's going to be taxed at 45%? Why on earth would I want to reach that level? Maybe I'll just try to get to $1 million. And yeah, it'll still be taxed, but not as much. Oh, and all the companies that would have been getting my money can just go beg fr a bailout from the government. I'm sure they'll help. And the people who won't be working because the companies aren't getting my money? They can beg from the government, too.

Nice how they build these disincentives to progress into their ideas, isn't it?

*For the sarcasm impaired - sorry, can't help you*

Lobe said...

What radical ideas...High taxes discourage success? You ought to be keeping more of your own money? Why, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were a conservative!