Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You too can be a rightwing extremist!

It's really easy. Just check out the pdf file here, and the Washington Times article about it. Take heed of the report and check yourself. Are YOU a militia member?

Are you:

A returning veteran?
Stockpiling ammo or weapons in anticipation of government outlawing/taxing these items?

Do you have concerns about:

Government infringing on your right to bear arms?
The rise of nations not friendly to ourselves?
Illegal immigrants taking resources from Americans, including jobs?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, the Department of Homeland Security will be arriving at your door any minute now...Yes, that's them. In the car. Across the street. No, don't look! You don't want to tip them off...

Seriously, what this report does is manage to call half the country radical extremists while simultaneously linking veterans with neo-Nazis, 2nd Amendment support with "criminal activities and violence", and opposition to illegal immigration to hate crimes against hispanics. It does all that without the use of a single fact, figure, illustration, or any other evidence to back up any claim it gives. Fantastic! Really smashing.

1 comment:

That's Mrs. Mom to you, sir. said...

Powerline had a good analysis of the report. Link here :