Thursday, September 30, 2010

Eric Cantor – My non-representing Representative

I am a resident of Virginia’s 7th Congressional District, and have been for nearly all my life. This district is currently “represented” by the Republican Party’s Minority Whip, Eric Cantor. You may have heard of him. He’s one of the three self-proclaimed “Young Guns” as seen in his book. You can see his picture emblazoned underneath “A New Generation of Conservative Leaders”. I find his use of the word Conservative here interesting. I believe this was an unintentional misprint. It is understandable, but I think the phrase they were looking for was “A Newish Generation of Republican Party Men”.

It is awfully convenient for my Representative to pretend that he just arrived at Washington, and that he isn’t part of the “establishment”, so to speak. He would like us to believe that the whole hairy mess has nothing to do with a Superstar Young Gun like himself. I’m sure a Conservative like Mr. Cantor would NEVER do something like, say, vote, not once, but twice, for the TARP bill which encompasses $350 billion in new government spending and bailouts of failing institutions. A right leaning champion for fiscal responsibility certainly wouldn’t have voted in line with the Republican Party, the same Republican Party who led Congress into giving America the largest federal deficit in history at the time. Of course a Crusader for Capitalism like Eric Cantor would never accept political donations from Government Motors, a socialized "business" that is 61% owned by the Government.

Unfortunately, Representative Cantor did do these things, and more. I'm absolutely certain my dedicated public servant will have no problem explaining to me why he voted for these know, sometime, eventually, in the future. According to the aides in his office he isn't planning on holding any sort of town halls or public debates against his challengers for the upcoming election. I guess it must be awfully time consuming jetting about the country signing copies of your narcissistic garbage dutifully serving your constituents abroad.

Mr. Cantor is exceptionally good at talking the Conservative game. He is just as good at walking lock-step with the Republican Party, regardless of values, when it suits him. He is a career politician. He is a party man.

Having stated all of the above, I would like to bring to your attention an independent candidate who has chosen to challenge Mr. Cantor's seat. His name is Floyd Bayne. He is a private citizen, a Richmonder, and (by appearances) a true, Constitution fearing Conservative.

I invite you to read his positions on the issue, and to listen to the interview he's gave to Jimmy Barret (our local morning news guy).

I do not agree with everything he has to say. For instance, I disagree with ending the mission in Afghanistan with anything other than total victory. A return to the gold standard, which Floyd is for, may be a great thing...I'm not sure it's practical.

Still, there is far, far more that I agree with him on. A return to the Constitution. Abolishing Federal programs that aren't mandated therein. Eliminating the IRS and moving to a VAT system. No more bailouts for failing companies!

Floyd Bayne is not a politician. This is a good thing. Floyd Bayne is inexperienced. He is also, therefore, not corrupted. The fact of the matter is, it's not necessarily that Floyd Bayne is the be all, end all for the 7th district. It is, instead, that our so called "Representatives" have forgotten who they work for. It is time for us to take back the Constitutional obligation to We The People, and hold our representatives accountable. We must, as a nation, right or left, Republican, Democrat, or otherwise, tell them with a single voice: "You work for us."

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