Friday, September 4, 2009

Great news, comrades! “Green” czar is actually Red!

The internet has been all abuzz with the news that President Obama appointed a “special advisor on green job creation” (read, Czar #457) a Mr. Van Jones, back in mid-March. What makes this particular member of the Obama administration so gosh darn special? He’s a Communist! I don’t mean one of those skulking, behind closed doors socialists you find at Ivy league schools. I mean a straight hammer-and-sickle, “Workers of the World Unite!” Communist.

The internet has been buzzing about this for weeks, but Glenn Beck recently has done a series of bits on his show laying out some of the evidence to support this claim. I know some of my readers are convinced Glenn wears a tinfoil cap when he’s not on camera, but I urge you to listen anyway. If you like, you can mute everything Glenn says and just focus on the actual audio clips of Van Jones himself. They are telling enough without any commentary whatsoever. In fact, if you skip to the minute marks that I list, you won’t have to hear a single syllable of Beck.

Here’s the link to the first set of audio. Brace yourselves: We’re shooting back in time all the way to March of this year, prior to his appointment as the Green Jobs Czar. He says that it’s not about cleaning up our energy production. He states that you can’t take out the “dirty power generation in a system and just replace it with some clean stuff, put a solar panel on top of this system.” What horrible things would happen then?

“We don't deal with how we are consuming water, we don't deal with how
we're treating our other sister and other brothers' species, we don't deal with
toxins, we don't deal with the way we treat each other, if that's not a part of
this movement, let me tell you what you'll have. This is all you'll have. You'll
have solar powered bulldozers, solar powered buzz saws, and biofuel bombers and
we'll be fighting wars over lithium for the batteries instead of oil for the
engines and we'll still have a dead planet. This movement is deeper than a solar
panel, deeper than a solar panel. Don't stop there. Don't stop there. No, we're
going to change the whole system.”

Oh the humanity! Bio fueled bombers? Solar powered bulldozers!? Say it isn’t so! Clearly, Czar Van Jones believes that it isn’t about clean air and freedom from foreign oil. He believes it is the market system itself.

Before you listen to this next piece, I want you to remember the last time you oppressed an American Indian. The last time you, personally, beat down an American Indian and took his home. I’m not sure, I just can’t remember the last time I kicked an Indian off his land. I’m sure I must just be forgetting…After all, Czar VJ says that I “owe them a debt.”:

(08:57)“And our Native American sisters and brothers who were pushed and bullied
and mistreated and shoved into all the land we didn't want, where it was all hot
and windy, well, guess what, renewable energy. Guess what, solar industry.
Guess what, wind industry.
They now own and control 80% of the renewable
energy resources. No more broken treaties. No more broken treaties. Give them
the wealth. Give them the wealth. Give them the dignity. Give them the respect
that they deserve. No justice on stolen land. We owe them a debt.”(09:40)
(emphasis mine)

Fantastic! Our Advisor for the Creation of Green Jobs wants to punish the Renewable Energy Industry in order to make up with the Native Americans. I’m sure that won’t harm the growth of that industry in any way whatsoever.

On to part two, February 2009, in Berkeley California. A young lady asked future Czar VJ the following question (the audio is a little hard to make out):

(00:45) “Some people are saying that the policies to are advocating, that
businesses should make decisions based on society and not how the market
dictates, sounds somewhat Marxist.” (00:59)

Silly girl! How could she be so naïve, of course it’s Marxism! Listen on for his response:

(1:13)“How is that capitalism working for you? How is that capitalism working
for you? How is that capitalism working for you this year?” (1:33)

Strange. It almost sounds like he doesn’t think Capitalism is a good thing…Huh.
Well, that’s hardly an admission of guilt. Let’s move on.

(4:24)”In this stage of the struggle, and I'll only speak to this stage of the struggle, I'm the best friend capitalists ever had. Thank you very much.”(4:35)

The struggle? What struggle? I must be hallucinating…It looks like he’s talking about capitalism in the 3rd person, like capitalists would find it surprising that he would be their friend.

So what, so he’s a communist. It’s not like he wants to subvert the system that has made America the greatest nation on the planet. It’s not like he’s a revolutionary Communist, right?

(06:08)”we have to prepare for this to be a long process even though it probably won't be. We have to prepare ourselves. We can't just push the people. We can push for (inaudible), but the people --- it must be a dance, you know. We have to listen, listen, listen, listen. And then learn. And then colead, try to coauthor a different future with folks. And we have to assume that's going to take a long time, but sometimes what should have taken another 20 years, Barack Hussein Obama, can take a season.”(06:50)

(07:42)” And this won't --- we have to prepare for this to be a long process even though it probably won't be.”(07:48)

It’s time to face facts: Our President has appointed, as an advisor, a radical devout Communist, who believes not only in crippling business for the good of the environment. Not only believes in paying reparations to every Tom, Dick, and Charley who our Great-Great-Grandfathers wronged 150 years ago. Not only believes Capitalism, the system which has transformed the world from a place where communicating from one town to the next took days to a world where you get irritated if communicating clear across the plant takes more than a few seconds, is something to be mocked and ridiculed. He wants to quietly, carefully, co-lead and co-author a different future!

Why on Earth would our President want such a man as an advisor on the Proper Assembly of PB&J sandwiches (PB first, then scrape the knife, then jelly, by the way), much less the Green Jobs Czar? I’m not going to say the answer to that question. I believe the answer is obvious, and doesn’t need to be spoken aloud.

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