Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Admin note: When a blog becomes self aware...

...or at the very least the blogger become more aware of the blog.

I've recently been looking to see just who, if anyone, is actually reading my blog. So, towards that end, I have:
  • Installed an invisible hit counter on my webpage. Now I know your IP address, where you went, and even where you sleep...Okay, maybe not that last part...Not until V2.0, anyway.
  • Sent friend requests to all my followers. If you got one, and you actually read the blog, accept it!
I also encourage all my readers to join up (it's free, and can link easily to your gmail account) and add me as a follower and friend. This also has the neat side effect of allowing you to comment directly on the blog itself, which is a pretty awesome perk, in my opinion.

Anyway, to my mom, Fluffy the imaginary monkey, and the other two readers I regularly have, thanks! Feel free to send blog ideas, links, and comments along using the comment feature on any of my blogs.

1 comment:

curlygirlysassy (aka your partner in crime L) said...

Track me all you want f'er. I'm here and READY. You KNOW I'm not good at debate. But I can still be pissed and voice my uneducated feminist WORKING WOMAN opinion. HUGS BABE! L