Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Intellectually Challenging Humor: Cracked.com

When you have as staggering an intellect as mine own you often find it difficult to find sites with sufficient refinement, epic soliloquy, and academic merit enough to entertain. Fortunately, I have found one that rarely disappoints.

That site is Cracked.com. With great titles such as "Learn your Motherf#@kin' Science: A textbook for Juggalos" and "The 5 Most Socially Awkward Situations Everyone Deals With", this is a site that rarely disappoints even the most elite of the elite.

"6 Soldiers Who Survived Shit That Would Kill A Terminator"? Check.

"8 Amazing Stories of Ninja Failure"? Check.

Total awesomeness? Check.

Here are a few of my other favorites. I encourage you to increase your historical knowledge and comical palette.

"The Single Most Ridiculous Movie Premise Ever Made"
"The 17 Most Unintentionally Hilarious Propaganda Posters"
"6 New Weapons That You Literally Can't Hide From"
"5 Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying To Get You Addicted"

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