Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Epic Fail: Sharron Angle says media isn’t being nice.

Harry Reid, the Senate Majority leader, has been facing an unusually tough fight for reelection in his home state of Nevada. Fortunately for him, divine providence has given unto him a savior. Sharron Angle, the “Tea Party” backed challenger, had an…interesting interview with Fox News a couple nights ago.

Words escape me when trying to describe for you the monolithic amount of fail that is contained in such a short period. Please view the video for yourself. Caution: The viewing of this video may cause a spontaneous rip in the fabric of reality and reason, causing your brain to be violently evacuated from your brain. From the CBS article:
”Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle told Fox News yesterday that the media should be her friend.

"We needed to have the press be our friend," Angle told Carl Cameron, prompting Cameron to interject and say her comment sounds "naive."

"Well, no. We wanted them to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported," said Angle. She added that she wants to be able to tell people to send money to her website. “

Yes. You’re reading that right. She just said the press should abandon its duty to examine her positions critically and simply throw her the questions she’s ready to answer so that they can help her in raising campaign finance funds.

I suppose according to Sharron Angle, Thomas Jefferson was completely off his rocker when he said “The only security of all is in a free press.”

Some investigation of her website and other sources (such as Project Votesmart) reveal what appears to be a generally conservative set of views, though exceedingly bland. Her interviews and statements are much more exciting. There are a lot of positions that Sharron has that I would agree with. Having the government get out of social security, closing down the borders, and eliminating abortion, to name a few. Check out this interview if you want some better positions.

This sort of statement, however, is tragically destructive. It would be one thing to complain of media bias, to show with evidence that the press has been acting in favor of one party or another, and that this is a violation of their duty to the people. It is quite another to whine about them not asking the questions you want so that the news could be reported the way you like.

1 comment:

That's Mrs. Mom to you, sir. said...

I heard about this this morning as I was driving to work listening to WRVA. I wasn't sure I heard her right. I mean...really? Apparently National Review had a post on The Corner headlined "Did she just say that outloud?"
The funny thing is, you know -every- politician -thinks- that. But most of them have the good sense to never say it.