Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Election 2010: GOP Victory. Hooray.

With the election just a week away it seems almost inevitable that the GOP will gain back control of the House. They will likely narrow the lead of the Democrats in the Senate, though a reversal of control there is unlikely.

The Wall Street Journal reports on extremely tight races in the Senate. The GOP would need to pick up ten seats in order to achieve a 51-49 split. There are only eleven currently Democratic seats up for grabs, and one Republican seat in jeopardy to boot, making the margin for error in that side of Congress nearly non-existent. The House looks much more promising, with most polls only disputing the extent of the new Republican majority.

What is more interesting is the widespread disgust with incumbents. A new WSJ/NBC poll shows that, given the choice between a candidate with absolutely no political experience and one who had 10 years experience, 48% would vote for the new guy as opposed to just 23% who would go for the experienced candidate. The other numbers of note, that 46% of voters think Obamacare was a bad idea, ought to be obvious with anyone who has ears to hear.

I'm pretty much tepid on the whole affair. The Republican party has shown in the past that they have no qualms putting their values up in the red light district when the fancy suits them. Their endless pandering to "the center" (AKA complete lack of spine, courage, and values) has left me disgusted with the GOP in general. My only hope is that a few true conservatives just might get inadvertently picked up in the tidal wave of Republican victory.

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