Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sarah Palin is obviously well-informed on the BTP an idiot

On October 19th Sarah Palin, easily the hottest Vice Presidential nominee EVAH, was speaking at a Tea Party Express event in Nevada. She warned the gathered throngs that they needed to stay the course and not get overconfident. They couldn't "party like it's 1773" until tea-party candidates actually managed to get elected.

Of course, many of her detractors were very quick to jump on this astute knowledge of dates far superior to my own obvious sign of idiocy in their favorite punching bag. "Moron! The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776!"

Here I must direct you to Cuffy Meigs who did a good, succinct piece on the reaction. He gathered the twitters of various prominence personages. Then he wrote this, which I could not possibly improve on:
"I mean, hell, it must be extremely embarrassing to have your obvious ignorance of 5th grade American history revealed by the likes of the Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas and PBS anchor & presidential debate moderator Gwen Ifill. HAHAHAHAHA, what a freakin' dumb ass! What happened in 1773, indeed!

oh, wait:

Boston Tea Party, 1773

Like they were saying: Ummmmm...

PS: In case you're thinking Palin got lucky, the Right Scoop has full video of her remarks ... which clearly refer to the original Boston Tea Party."

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