Monday, January 16, 2012

Hypocrisy and irony on the Daily Show

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart recently had an interview segment that featured the president of the Civility Project, with National Conference of Editorial Writers, which has the goal of furthering civil discourse in America. She states that they want a higher quality of discourse, because a "lot of people want to be in a conversation...that's civil...where they don't feel like they're attacked".

True to the stone-cold serious nature of the Daily Show, they also had the opposition represented, an editorial writer who had written an article blasting the Tea Party as "economic terrorists" and "al-Qaida bombers". She said they attempted to destroy the economy and were involved in a "hostage situation".

Watch the following video closely, and you may just notice slight similarities between the two writers. Namely, that they are the exact same person.

My favorite lines:

John Olliver: "What do the Tea Partiers say?"
Froma: "[They] objected to me calling them terrorists. A lot of them don't recognize understand irony or humor."
Olliver: "Right, they...they don't....they don't understand it."
Froma: "A lot of people don't."
Olliver: "They just don't get...irony."
Froma: "They don't, no."
Olliver: "Even when there's a textbook example of it right in front of them."


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