Sunday, January 15, 2012

Upcoming: JAC declares for a candidate

The primaries are in full swing, and as all three candidates make their trips round the states (The three candidates being Romney, Paul, and non-Romney) there is really only one question on their mind: Who is JAC going to declare for?

Well, the wait is over.

Ok, actually it's not, because I'm not actually writing the blog that this is foreshadowing till Monday or Tuesday. But, the decision has been made regardless. Come this week we can finally put aside all this campaigning nonsense and get back to questions of real importance, like "How much better would Tim Tebow have performed against Tom Brady last night if Tim was actually a quarterback?"


That's Mrs. Mom to you, sir. said...

That's a little harsh on Tebow, isn't it? :P

Lobe said...

Not nearly as harsh as 45-10 in the playoffs. I don't even watch football, but I know a slaughter when I see one.

Who knows though? Maybe Tebow decided to end the touchdown prayer controversy by just not getting any more touchdowns. Technique.