Thursday, March 15, 2012

Seriously, enough with the Obama trip price tags

In my perusal of the news a couple days ago I ran across yet another story on Drudge that had a headline something like this:

"Obama trip to Ohio costs taxpayers $365k, plus several first born males!!!111!!11!! Oh Noes!"

When I clicked to the story, I found an article on Obama visiting Ohio with British Prime Minister David Cameron. They both watched a NCAA tournament game with Ohio Governor John Kasich, who lobbied the President on developing natural gas production in his state.
"During the first half, Mr. Kasich talked to the president and White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew at length about promoting the safe development of shale gas in Ohio....The president ate a hot dog at the game, chatted with students and appeared to be explaining the finer points of basketball to Mr. Cameron."
All the way at the bottom was this fact.
"At a cost of roughly $180,000 per hour to operate Air Force One, the trip cost taxpayers at least $365,000, not including the staff costs and other expenses."
Since I am a Conservative, I suppose I'm legally obligated to respond something like this.

"That darn dirty communist bastard! How DARE he entertain the leader of our closest ally by watching an American sporting event! How could he even think of spending taxpayer dollars to improve relations with a foreign dignitary!? Who does he think he is, the leader of the free world or something?! He's clearly out of touch and/or insensitive to the budget crisis!"

Unfortunately, I also am capable of independent thought. So, to my Conservative brethren I feel obligated to say: Chill out. Seriously, just sit down and stop talking.

News flash: The President is the public face of the Nation to those abroad. Sure, we have a Secretary of State, but when the President visits someplace, it means something. Moreover, if we received the Chief Executive of a close ally with anything less than our own Chief Executive, it could (and should) be considered a slight. Like it or not, the Office of the President has power, and with power necessarily comes the trappings of power.

What alternative would you prefer? The President to have received Mr. Cameron in a rented taxi, driven all the way to Ohio college student style, and slept in the Wal-Mart parking lot while dining on that fancy Scottish place down the road, McDonald's? Perhaps they should have listened to the game on the radio for free in order to save taxpayer dollars? What sort of image of power and prestige does that project for America?

Don't get me wrong, I am all for cutting the budget. I am all for starving the beast of government spending till it's thinner than the Olsen twins. At the same time I understand that there are some expenditures that are reasonable, and entertaining foreign dignitaries is one of them.

Oh, and also, his gift to the Prime Minister of a custom grill with custom cooking outfits, made with the British and American flags and seals with Mr. and Mrs. Cameron's names on them, was actually quite thoughtful and completely appropriate (and also not terribly expensive, by the way).

So seriously, lay off the guy for the one time he actually did his job right. Rest assured he'll give you plenty of reasons to bash him tomorrow.

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