Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Day after Yesterday: Results

In what most of the left is naming a wave, tsunami, earthquake, or some other descriptor somehow implying a natural disaster that was completely unavoidable and nobody's fault, the GOP has taken back control of the House. The Republicans have netted at least 59 seats thus far. There are still 7 or 8 seats that are yet to be decided, most with Democrat incumbents. It's only going up from there.

In the Senate the GOP cut the Dem lead significantly. While the Democrats still hold on to their majority, it is no longer near the supermajority they once had. The "Supermajority" refers to the three fifths, or 60 seats, that are required in the Senate to bring a vote out of cloture [to end a filibuster]. If the minority party has greater than 40 seats they can filibuster, or endlessly debate, a bill to prevent it coming to a vote and effectively kill it. If the majority party has 60 votes or more, and presuming all those votes stay in step, they can literally override anything the minority may have to say. A couple of races are still too close to call, but the Republicans safely hold 47 seats.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid manages to keep his job, if not by much. Boxer also holds on handily.

If you care to follow it minute by minute, like I do, head on over to the Communist News Network's map and get all the exciting action, frame by frame.

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