Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Government Transparency (Plus mystery missiles)

Obama has left the country, jetsetting about Asia, presumably consuming massive quantities of whiskey in order to forget that last Tuesday ever happened. He has left our Great Nation in the capable hands of Vice President Biden. Ol' Joe has wasted no time in getting to work on something that everyone can agree is very important: Government Transparency. Specifically, he's meeting with Earl Devaney, chairman of the Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board. They're going to find out where all those millions of dollars we spent on jobs went. They are going to help the government reveal its secrets to the People!

The meeting is of course closed to the public.

That's right. In an explosion of irony of the epic proportions only the federal government is capable of, the meeting on transparency with the Chairman of the Transparency and Accountability Board is completely and 100% non-transparent. Normally I'd use my razor wit to make this news story more entertaining, but I don't think I can possibly do better than Joe did all by himself.

In other news, a missile was launched off the coast of California yesterday evening. Wait, wait, there's no cause for alarm. The Pentagon has it all under control. And by all under control, I mean they have absolutely no clue who launched it.


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