Monday, November 22, 2010

Hyperbole and a half

I was going to post today. Unfortunately I've been sucked into a black hole of awesomeness. That black hole is known as "Hyperbole and a half". It is possibly the most hilarious website ever in the history of mankind. You might think that would be an unnecessary qualifier, "in the history of mankind", particularly since websites are pretty new. You would be wrong in thinking this. Why, you ask? Because I want you to think about the most awesome website you've ever been to that did not include naked women. Multiply that by 2. Then divide the result by .000000000000001. That's how awesome this website would be if it was half as awesome as it actually is.

Go there. My favorites, so far:

Dogs don't understand basic concepts like moving

Four levels of social entrapment

The awkward situation survival guide

The alot

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