Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Finally! FDA cracks down on Cheerios

The FDA has finally stepped forward to address the "elephant in the room" problem plaguing our nation's streets. I know you've seen them. Derelicts in the street, roaming alleyways, clogging intersections. Young and old, black or white, these poor refugees all have one thing in common. They are all searching for that next hit, their next high. Their drug of choice? Cheerios. It is about time this scourge was challenged, and the FDA is up to the task.

In a blistering letter sent by the FDA to General Mills, (Known as "Big Daddy G Money" on the street) they blast Big Daddy by first removing the farce that Cheerios are a cereal or something. "Based on claims made on your product's label, we have determined that your Cheerios® Toasted Whole Grain Oat Cereal is promoted for conditions that cause it to be a drug". Take that, General Mills!

The promotion in question? G Money draws in junkies by claiming that Cheerios "can Lower Your Cholesterol 4% in 6 weeks" and the nefarious dealer references clinical studies while doing it. What a completely true claim dastardly lie!

From The Raw Story: "General Mills defended the claims on Cheerios packaging, saying in a statement that Cheerios' soluble fiber heart health claim has been FDA-approved for 12 years, and that its 'lower your cholesterol four percent in six weeks' message has been featured on the box for more than two years."

The problem, according to the FDA, is not that this claim is untrue. It's that...Well...They...You...Ummm....It's that according to regulation Alpha Omega 2000 XY, all your base are belong to us. (We want more power, and you're looking mighty tasty).

The FDA has warned that if these scoundrels don't mend their ways, "boxes of Cheerios could disappear from supermarket and wholesaler shelves around the United States and the company could face legal action." Completely unrelated but interesting fact: Cheerios account for 1 in 8 (12.5%) of cereals sold in the US according to General Mills. That'll do wonders for grocery stores I'm sure.

(Thanks to Robin for the tip on this story)


That's Mrs. Mom to you, sir. said...

Ok, first, I'm pretty surprised that Cheerios are so popular. Does the FDA have nothing better to do? If it was the end of the year I'd say they were just trying to burn through the rest of their budget so they don't lose it next year.

Lobe said...

I believe that sales figure includes all varieties of Cheerios. Honey nut, multigrain, fruit, frosted, etc. That would explain the high figure. Still, that's a bunch.