Friday, May 1, 2009

Obama Approval Rating, Special 102 Day Edition!

Our President has now reached the landmark 102nd day in office. Don't be fooled by the "First 100 days" crowd, the 102nd day is where it's at. I can virtually guarantee you will not get this kind of in depth analysis of the 102nd day anywhere but at Just Another Capitalist.

What has our President done in his first few months? Let's run it down:

#1: Your money is going out of style...: Or at least that's how it's being spent. Check out the summary page of the Obama budget, straight from the Whitehouse website. Spending for 2010: $3.552 Trillion. Deficit: 1.171 Trillion. To give you some reference, take it as a percentage of GDP: 24.1% & 8% respectively. Now look at possibly the worst number of all, the national debt: $9.509 Trillion, or 64.6% of the GDP. Just in case that wasn't enough to floor you, consider this: The budget doesn't include many of the most recent stimulus and bailout packages. Still on your feet? Check out the National Debt Clock: $11.16 Trillion as of 1 May 09.

#2: The best foreign diplomat EVER: The world loves us now, haven't you heard? Showing his countless minutes of foreign relations experience, he has managed to:

  • Snub the leader of one of our closest allies, the Brits.
  • Bow to the Saudi King, showing we aren't as powerful as you might think.
  • Hug/grope the Venezuelan dictator Chavez, who pays him back by strengthening ties with our buddies, the Iranians.
  • Explain to the world how we are "arrogant" and "dismissive".
  • Much, much more!

What's not to love?

#3: Throw private enterprise under the bus...: Or at least under the Hummer. It all started with bailouts for the auto industry, who we are told are too big to fail. Then he fired GM's CEO. Fired a private employee of a private business. Then he decided the government would take a "key role" in naming the new Board of Directors. Next it was rejecting business plans. The plans of a private enterprise. He also told the bankers who wanted to repay the government loans that they needed to "take their medicine" (in other words, no).

#4: Tell private citizens he doesn't like your AK-47: Sure, he's not seeking a ban on assault rifles. Too bad the only reason he's not seeking it is because he knows that such a move would fail. Meaning: He would love to take those weapons away from the citizenry, and would do it if he thought he could. It is only a matter of time. Then again, at least he's consistent. He wants the government to disarm, too, and cut our nuclear arsenal. A world without nuclear weapons! Presumably said world would be populated exclusively by unicorns and puppies, and trees would grow lollipops and rainbow sherbet.

#5: Put those no good veterans right where they belong...: Alongside neo-Nazis and racists! They are in good company with a host of malcontents, including:

  • 2nd amendment activists
  • Gun-owners
  • Those who fear the rise of unfriendly nations
  • Those against illegal immigration
  • Pro-lifers

What a crowd of ne'er do wells! Those rotten veterans will fit right in. Remember: Just because you fought on a foreign battlefield for the security of your nation does not mean you care one bit about it once you get back. (Read the report here)

Phew! What a busy time it has been. Tallying up the points, I'd say our President gets an A+ for effort, and a F for execution. But hey, look on the bright side. He's got a whole 1,461 more days to get it right!

1 comment:

Maelyn said...

I don't know which of those points worries me more - running up the debt, taking away our right to arm ourselves (individually or collectively), kissing up to dictators, antionalizing the banks and other private enterprises, or calling half the country scary extremists because we like to be free.....Any ONE of those would worry me, but all of them? In just 102 days?

Nope, got it now. The scariest part is we have 1400+ more days of this bs before we can vote him out!