Thursday, April 30, 2009

A reasoned voice on the left

Thanks to Maelyn for directing me to this gentleman. His name is Jonathan Rauch. He is a leftist journalist, a self described "homosexual Jewish apatheist", and there seems to be little he says that I agree with. That being said, I find his writings fascinating. Here is someone with whom you could speak, debate, disagree, and still get along with just fine. Someone who seems to have the intellectual maturity to argue without name calling and straw man arguments.

His arguments for gay marriage are especially compelling. He manages to go through eight dissertations on the subject (and has written some books I haven't read) without once denouncing his opponents as bigoted, ignorant, or anything else. He even teams up with a similarly fair minded individual on the right (One David Blankenhorn) who staunchly opposes gay marriage to write an article describing a workable compromise. I'll eventually formulate my own impression of them in a blog, but for now, read for yourself.

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