Monday, April 6, 2009

Overdue Obama Rating: 21%

I promised week before last to do these posts on Fridays. Apparently I lied. Actually, I was in DC most of the day on Friday. So, here's the belated ratings.

#1: Ultra-CEO Obama fires GM CEO: That's right folks. As I described in detail in another blog, the federal government has now moved into the Human Resources department and has actually fired the CEO of GM...Can they even do that? I mean, they obviously did, I'm just saying. Geithner has also said he has no problems firing other CEOs too. It's not just CEOs either. They also will play a "significant role" in choosing the new Board of Directors. It's not all bad though. Freddie and Fannie were managed by the government, and look how well that turned out! We've got nothing to worry about. They lose 7% for giving out the pink slip.

#2: Making an offer they can't refuse: Around the same time Obama was violating the rights of private citizens making sound employment decisions for GM, he also had a meeting with a variety of banking execs who had taken TARP funds. Remember the TARP? That bill that was like $800 billion, and we thought that was a big deal? *laugh* Yeah, those were the good ol' days.

Anyhow, the CEOs tried to explain to the President why they pay their employees so much (possibly because of bonus concerns, like the ones paid to AIG execs). Obama responded by saying "Be careful how you make those statements, gentlemen. The public isn’t buying that...My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.” *Cues the Godfather Music*

The banking execs (specifically JP Morgan’s Dimon) then expressed their desire to repay the TARP funds as soon as possible, and "asked the president to streamline the process."

Lovely! They want to pay the government back. Obama of course graciously accepted rejected their offer immediately, saying "This is like a patient who’s on antibiotics. Maybe the patient starts feeling better after a couple of days, but you don’t stop taking the medicine until you’ve finished the bottle."

From the Politico article: "Several CEOs disagreed, arguing instead that returning TARP money was their patriotic duty, that they didn’t need it anymore, and that publicity surrounding the return would send a positive signal of confidence to the markets."

No dice. Allow me to paraphrase the article for you:

Bank Exec: "Thanks for the loan, Mr. President. We'd like to repay you now."
Ultra-CEO Obama: "Nope. You'll take my money and you'll like it."
Bank Exec: "But Mr. President, I really think we ought to --"
*BANG* *Body hits floor, Secret Service drags it away*
Ultra-CEO Obama: "Anyone else got objections?"

Obama loses 7% for refusing to loosen the talons.

#3: This just in from our flying pig squad: A nuclear free world! In Prague President Obama declared that he had a "vision for a world free of nuclear weapons, vowing to involve all states with atomic weapons in the process of reducing arsenals." From ABC News:

Mr Obama pledged that the US would lead the quest, and denounced "fatalism" over nuclear weapons proliferation.

"As the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon, the United States has a moral responsibility to act," he said. "We cannot succeed in this endeavour alone, but we can lead it."

"So today, I state clearly and with conviction America's commitment and desire to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons."

"I am not naive this goal will not be reached quickly, perhaps not in my lifetime."

Let us step into the Way Back Machine, back to when my rating of the magic O was 85%. I wrote a blog then when he spoke to Russia. He was a little less firm about it then, but he did say he wanted a world free of nukes. I will now narcissistically use myself a source. I had this to say:

"Instead, Obama has the lofty goal of removing nuclear weapons from the face of the planet. I have the lofty goal of stopping time like Hiro. Both of our goals have approximately the same chance of success.

Let's have a pop quiz: Better weapon leads to
A) Defense against such weapon, rendering it obsolete
B) Even better weapon, rendering the first obsolete.
C) Everyone deciding to get along, destroying said weapon, and cooking s'mores while singing Kumbaya.

If you answered A or B, congratulations. If you answered C, please remove yourself from the gene pool.

Never, in the history of humans killing humans, has the knowledge of a weapon simply disappeared because people wished it to. Once it is digested into general knowledge, you can't get rid of it. We just love killing each other too much."

Wow! Good job, self! You really hit the nail on the head!

Obama loses 2% for removing any doubt that he has no concept of human history.

Busy week for our man. Tally up the scores, and that puts him at 21%. *sigh* And he was doing so well.

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