Thursday, March 5, 2009

Obama's approval rating: 85%

Well, it finally happened. Today, February 5th, President Obama's approval rating has dropped below 90%. Let's review.

The first drop comes from his cigarette tax increase. I don't smoke, but any tax increase is bad when American's are paying through the nose already. The biggest reason this is getting him a drop, however, is what it's for: Expanded healthcare for 4 million poor kids. Awww. Isn't that sweet. It's also redistribution of wealth. Smokers have no correlation whatsoever to those kids not having healthcare. Completely seperate issues, so why punish those who have a completely legal habit?

Face it: Healthcare is not a right. Let's look at that dirty old piece of trash called the Declaration of Independence: Life, liberty, pursuit of happyness....Hmmm...Yep, no healthcare. Don't get me wrong. I would love for people, out of the goodness of their hearts, to give and help those less fortunate than them get healthcare. That is not the government's job, and I am confident that if they would get out of the way, the private sector would take care of it. He drops 2% for this decision.

The second one comes from his talks with Russia. Our saber rattling friends have managed to cut off a major supply route into Afghanistan (through blatantly buying off Kyrgyzstan), which is only the latest in a string of aggressive actions against American interests. Obama's response? A delay of our missile shield in Poland (which is bad for the Polish, by the way. They stuck their neck out for us by defying a powerful neighbor, and we're leaving them to dry) and talks with Russia about decreasing our nuclear arsenals by 80%! We should be spending our time finding a technology that can defeat the nuclear capabilities of others.

Instead, Obama has the lofty goal of removing nuclear weapons from the face of the planet. I have the lofty goal of stopping time like Hiro. Both of our goals have approximately the same chance of success. Let's have a pop quiz:

Better weapon leads to
A) Defense against such weapon, rendering it obsolete
B) Even better weapon, rendering the first obsolete.
C) Everyone deciding to get along, destroying said weapon, and cooking s'mores while singing Kumbaya.

If you answered A or B, congratulations. If you answered C, please remove yourself from the gene pool.

Never, in the history of humans killing humans, has the knowledge of a weapon simply disappeared because people wished it to. Once it is digested into general knowledge, you can't get rid of it. We just love killing each other too much. All these talks are going to do is weaken our position, lower our street cred, and give other, crazier countries the chance to get nukes of their own before we can stop them. He drops 3% for this pipe dream.

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