Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's that time again

You know, the time when we as a species decide it's in our best interest for another species not to hang around anymore. After reading this article, I think we can all agree that the chimps have our number. It's one thing when they're only mauling stupid people in Jersey who keep them around as pets. It's completely different when they are planning out assaults on the general populace, and creating weapons caches.

As if this wasn't bad enough, I stumbled on this Washington Post Article that reports chimps in Western Africa fashioning spears to hunt small mammals! How did we let it get this far!?

If we let this continue, it's only a matter of time before the chimps start organizing. Then they'll either A) Lead the other, lesser animals in a revolt against our #1 Eater status, or B) Unionize and demand better wages and benefits. Either way, it won't end well.

Yep, it's official. Chimpo has got to go. Do you want your children to wake up one morning to this?

I think not.

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