Monday, March 23, 2009

Avon exposed: Coverup for Umbrella?

We knew this was coming. They called us crazy. They said that zombies didn't exist. They said we were nuts for reading the Survival Guide, for studying educational films (Dawn of the Dead, Zombie Diaries, etc.). They said we were looney while we discussed assault rifles vs. sniper rifles, bats vs. swords. The time for them to eat their words is now.

We have proof positive that Avon, popular cosmetics company, is actually a front organization for the notorious Umbrella Corporation. First, check out Umbrella's advertisement for the T-virus. (Thanks to i09 for the story.)

Now look at Avon's advertisement for their new "Derma-Full" product.

Side effects: Nausea, headaches, and an unquenchable lust for human flesh!

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