Monday, March 30, 2009

Archie Bunker on Gun Control

Remember that show "All in the Family"? The main character, Archie Bunker, was a right wing bigot. He believed he treated everyone fairly...Which he did, in his own way. Despite his failings, though, he did occasionally have some good old fashioned common sense to give out to his liberal bum son-in-law. Here's one memorable scene where Archie is shown on TV, giving his opinion on gun control.

"What's the first thing the Communists done when they take over Russia? Gun Control."

Absolutely true. Check out this article by Dave Kopel.

"If it was up to me, I could end the skyjackings tomorrow. All you gotta do is arm all your passengers...Skyjacker ain't got no superiority there, he ain't gonna dare pull out no rod....Just pass out the pistols at the beginning of the trip, and get them back on the way out. Case closed."


Exit question: Why are there drive-bys in London? Answer: Criminal = Law breaker. Gun Control = Law. Therefore, Gun Control + Criminal = Armed criminals. Armed Criminals + disarmed populace = Bad News Bears.


That's Mrs. Mom to you, sir. said...

You know, there was a time in our history when the majority actually would have agreed with him on the 'gun control' issue. :D Maybe we can get back there again.

I briefly glanced at an article in the paper while standing in line at the store yesterday - the story was talking about the fact that gun sales have jumped 60% since Obama took office. Gee...wonder why?

Lobe said...

If you ever want to know the real scoop on what's going down, look at the way the market reacts. We are the market, and if left alone, it doesn't lie.