Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Feature: The Handy Haversack

On my computer I have a favorites folder. It's called "To be blogged" and in it go all the cool things that catch my eye. The problem is this folder is growing...I'm afraid if I don't take desperate action it's going to declare sovereignty and take over my computer. So, to forestall any cyber uprisings, I've decided to start a semi regular feature: The Handy Haversack o' Stories (Kudos if you got the reference). I plan to put up a link, write some comments, and banish it from my folder forever!
  • CBS: Obama Disapproval among blacks: 0%. The link is to a story by The Moderate Voice. Recently CBS broke approval numbers for the Magic O down by race, in honor of his first 100 days. (Side note: Isn't breaking numbers out by race, by definition, racist?) Among whites, 62%. Now to the good part. Among blacks: 96% approve, 4% no answer. That means...Hold on...Carry the five...Yes, 0% disapproval. Not one single black person in America disapproves of Obama's job. If you are reading this, and you are black, you no longer exist. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Best go ahead and end your imaginary life.
  • Texas Governor Rick Perry for secession? This one is from early on in the month. He endorsed HCR 50, joining Rep Brandon Creighton, which affirms the 10th Amendment. That's the one that states "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." During a tea party, he also made comments that touched on secession (though very veiled) as a poor choice, but possibly the only choice if government intrusions continue. He has been called a traitor. That may be so, but remember this: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin...All were traitors. Treason against a corrupt and oppressive government is the right thing to do. We are not at that point yet. Should that point come it will be every patriots duty to stand and fight. That's what Rick Perry was getting at, I think, and I agree with him.
  • The filthiest McDonald's EVER: There really isn't much need for introduction. Check the clip, and prepare to be disgusted.
  • Obama commits double murder, media can't find right angle: Interesting piece from The Onion, satirizing the media bias. In the story, the President murders a couple in cold blood.
  • Communist News Network (CNN) Reporter, most unbiased journalist EVER: There's no media bias. It's a right wing myth. Just check out this reporter as she chews out tea party attendees, endorses the bailout package, and tells the camera that the protests aren't "family viewing". Classic.

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