Friday, March 6, 2009

Al Gore: The Science is Settled

Hear ye, hear ye! All ye peasants, the unwashed masses, come and hear the words of Al Gore the Wise. Kneel ye at the altar of global warming climate change climate crises without fear or thought for the science is settled!

In all seriousness, it is quite frustrating to be told by this Nobel prize toting prophet that I am not allowed to disagree. In fact, the instant I express a different opinion, he would have me branded an idiot, a "flat-earther" who is contributing to the very destruction of the human race.

Let's look over the illustrious history of settled science. At one point, all great minds in the world agreed that: The earth was flat. Friction did not exist. Gravity was preposterous. The preferred state of being for matter was to be at rest. The list goes on and on.

Simply because everyone agrees with something, does not make it true. This argument isn't even necessary here, however. If the science is settled, apparently someone didn't clue in these guys. Read their paper, it's enlightening.

Because the Prophet likes graphs so much, here's one of theirs.
That's strange. According to this graph, it's almost like the Earth has been WAY hotter than it is now, and we weren't all consumed in a horrible fiery death. In fact, it almost looks like things are warming up because not that long ago they were pretty chilly...Whew, it's a good thing I have the Prophet to direct me away from annoying facts like this. I might get confused and think the science wasn't settled.

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