Thursday, March 5, 2009

And America's choice for best President of all time is...

Why, Ronald Reagan of course! According to this Gallup poll. From the Gallup page: "These findings are from a USA Today/Gallup poll conducted Feb. 6-7. The question gave respondents the choice of five presidents often lauded for their leadership: two Democrats (Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt), two Republicans (Reagan and Lincoln), and the symbolic father of the country and Lincoln's co-honoree on Presidents Day, George Washington.

These five presidents have consistently ranked among the most revered presidents when Gallup has asked Americans to say, in an open-ended format, whom they consider the greatest president."

Reagan gets 24% of the vote. Kennedy and Lincoln tie at 22% (Insert poor taste assassination joke here.) 18% to FDR, and 9% to George Washington.

Lincoln has the most bi-partisan support (25% Dems, 22% Independents, and 19% Reps). Reagan's was the most one sided (He pulled in 52% of those who considered themselves Republicans, but only 19% and 10% of independents and Dems respectively).

Exit question: What the hell is wrong with the other 36% of Republicans who didn't tap Saint Ronald? (For you math wizards, I'm giving the 12% who chose Washington a pass. He was pretty cool too.)

EDIT: I feel compelled to mention that the margin of error is +- 3%, so statistically speaking Reagan, Lincoln, and Kennedy are tied...Balderdash. I'm still going with Reagan.

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