Thursday, March 5, 2009

That light of hope? Yeah, it's gone.

So, last week I wrote a note about New York Senator Gillibrand. I extolled her staunch conservative values on gun rights, on abortion, but mostly on immigration. Here, I said, is our ray of hope. Our beautiful spot of sunshine!

Yeah, not so much. In a typical show of spineless, disgusting politics she has now quickly recanted her immigration positions, going all linguini spined and spouting off about how much she's learned in the past few days. Basically, she's saying "I was a moron, but I'm better now." Yeah, sure. You're better. Now you're an unprincipled, cowardly liberal who apparently wouldn't know your real opinion if it punched you in the ovaries. You can check the interview out here if you want. Be prepared to vomit.

It is utterly disgraceful, the way that politicians shed beliefs to get ahead. Does no one have principle? Does no one have value? Here I speak not only to this worthless example, but to almost everyone in Washington. Where are we, as America, when we can count those who really believe what they say, right OR left, without using all our fingers? How long are we going to sit around and let these clowns run our life? How long will it be until we kick the bums out, with torches and pitchforks if necessary?

That's all I can say for now. It's really hard for me to type with this knife in my back.

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