Friday, March 6, 2009

Obama approval rating: 47%

Here we are again, with another round of ratings. I'm sticking hard to my schedule of completely random updates, in order to keep the enemy guessing.

First up: Yet another Obama nominee with tax problems. Really, stuff like this is just getting old. The first time around, it was outrageous. The second time, it was surprising. I mean, could they be burned twice? When they were burned a third time I rolled my eyes. Now I can only shrug wearily. This one only owes an estimated $10k to the IRS, so I guess it's not that bad. Of course, he won't be penalized for paying the taxes late. I mean, the IRS is just famous for working with people who are delinquent. It's not like he's getting special treatment. 2% drop in rating, because four times is just too much.

Next: Obama's reckless assault of Rushbo. The Politico reports that the Administration chose to target Rush because among Republicans he has the highest negative rating. They don't mention, of course, that he has this rating because he's a real conservative, and the party is full of spineless RINOs who we'd rather get rid of anyway. Regardless, this move is childish and unbecoming of the office of the President. Aside from that, by singling out a single personality here, and mobilizing the Left against him, he only increases the visibility that Limbaugh has, keeping him in the headlines. From start to finish, a poor move, in poor taste. O loses 1% for throwing down the glove.

Finally: Obama's Secretary of the Treasury, Geitner, attacks Oil. We recently had record high oil prices...Our dependence on foreign oil is terribly high...The weak economy guarantees everyone has more money...What to do...I know! Let's cut taxes reward innovation demonize Big Oil! He starts out by saying that Oil should not get any more subsidies from the government. So far, I agree with him. The government shouldn't be giving money to businesses in any way. Then he veers off course, saying the reason isn't any sort of free market principle. Oh no, it's because they "contribute to global warming". Are you freaking serious!?

So, he make a 13% tax increase. "The Obama administration's budget would levy an excise tax on oil and natural gas produced in the Gulf of Mexico, raising $5.3 billion in revenue from 2011 to 2019." He loses 4% for punishing homegrown energy (It would be more, but I do agree with the no subsidy policy...Just not for the same reasons).

The grand total: 47%, making this a landmark day. Today, March 6th, Obama slipped below 50%.


That's Mrs. Mom to you, sir. said...

The sad thing is, his national approval rating stands at only 60%, so your rating is not -that- far off everyone else's. It seems awfully fast for him to have fallen to just 60% in the eyes of the unwashed masses (known from this pint on as the UMs). Shouldn't he still be in his honeymoon period? I mea, it hasn't even been 2 full months yet!

Lobe said...

I don't hear much voter regret from the people I know. He got less than 60% of the vote, so it would seem that since he has at least that much approval nationwide, most of the people who voted for him probably still don't regret it.