"1) Environmentalists say we can't drill for oil in Alaska because it will hurt the caribou.
2) Sarah Palin says that it's not drilling that's killing caribou–it's the wolves that keep eating them.
3) Sarah Palin authorizes thinning the herd of wolves, to protect the caribou.
4) Environmentalists say Palin is a vicious murderer for killing all those wolves.
5) Sarah Palin's plan actually works to save caribou.
6) Sarah Palin is still the one who is called stupid.Do you see what happens here?
Environmentalist policies address ZERO of the two problems— conservative policies address BOTH. "
Personally, I would've said screw the caribou. If they can't survive in the wild and fend off their own wolf problem, that's just nature at work. Species rise and fall. It happens. That's just because I'm a cold hearted conservative, right?
You would think, since the saving of weaker creatures (so long as they aren't human infants) seems to be a top priority to the Left that Sarah Palin would have been hailed as a hero. The whole reason we aren't drilling in ANWR is for these fuzzy little bundles of joy. So, saving them by destroying the problem should have been a good thing. Of course, that just wouldn't have been politically expedient.
And I mean, just look at the majestic landscape we'd be messing up.

Come on now. Who wouldn't want to save this lush landscape for future generations?
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