Monday, March 9, 2009

What does $1 Trillion look like?

It's a big number. Most of us have never had to really wrestle with something that ginormous. If I say I have eight of something, you instantly understand and comprehend. I can go to a hundred, a thousand, perhaps even tens of thousands and still be with you. When people start to go higher, while we may intellectually understand the number, do we really grasp it? When something gets that big, it loses it's meaning.

Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. Personally, I think these are worth a bit more. Check out this visual representation of $1 trillion (Thanks to my Mom for sending this link to me). This gentleman used Google sketchup to draw out that amount of money, sitting next to a person, so you and I can get a good idea of just how much cash that is.

When you've finished absorbing that, remember this: Our debt is 10 of those right now, and it's only going up. Thanks, China!

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