Thursday, March 5, 2009

Obama approval rating: 90%

EDIT: Rather than post a whole new note, I'm just editing this one. So, for his bumbling handling of the appointments he drops 2%. Do any of these people ACTUALLY pay taxes? For admitting he "screwed up" he gains 1%. At least, when cornered, he can admit it. Whether that'll mean he's gonna change it, or just hide it better next time, we shall see. So, he holds on to he 90% rating by a fingernail.

Obama did something today that has, tentatively, increased his rating by 1.7% (so it'll be an even number again.) He decided (for now, at least) not to cut the Defense budget, and in fact chose to propose an increase of 8% in the same. The jump here would go much farther if I felt confident he would at the same time be working to cut waste and pork, but judging by his stimulus package, that isn't the case.Since we're on the subject, he drops by 5% for his pork-ridden stimulus effort, which appears to have very little to do with actual stimulating. Throwing money around isn't the answer, especially if it's going to indebt our country for generations. To be fair, what is actually in the bill is as more Congress's fault than the President's. Still, he approves of the bill, which paints him guilty in my book. (As a side note, Sarah Palin loses some points here for not speaking out more strongly against this bill. She says she'll accept funds as governor and gives some token points against the spending, but she could be a lot more forceful about it.)

He's still treading water above 90%, if barely. I'm trying to go a little easy on him since he's new and all. You know, being President is a tough job.

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