Thursday, March 5, 2009

A light of hope from the other side...

In this massive struggle of Red vs. Blue, it's hard for us to remember why we fight. "Well, Rookie...Because they're red...and...we're blue." (Kudos to those who recognize the quote)

So, I offer up a shining ray of hope and reason. Now, brace yourselves. Sit down if you must. Are you ready?

She's a Democrat. From New York.

Still breathing? Alright, I'll continue.

Now, she was just appointed there, and hasn't served really. Only time can truly tell what her opinions really are, and what her full stance is. However, in reading up a bit here, I've found that she is not only pro-gun, not only anti-bailout, but she wants to make English the official language of the US. She strongly supports increasing border security by agent numbers and technology. She strongly opposes any sort of amnesty for lawbreakers. At the same time, she's advocated reviews of the legal worker visa system, to ensure labor can still come in the right way. (Be still, my heart.)

Like I said, she still has plenty of time to screw up, and I know very little of her beyond these issues. Still, I cannot help but to hope that she is the genuine article.

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