Thursday, March 5, 2009

Obama Approval Rating: 94.3%

EDIT: Some anarchist commentor of mine mentioned Obama's ending the wars overseas as a plus. How exactly that would stack up with his ratings here I've yet to determine. It would depend on many factors. Until he actually does something more than talk about it, though, I'm just gonna leave that alone here.

Quick update here. Obama dropped in my rating due to his decision to close Gitmo (with no other place to store the scum) and his decision to stop "torture". The torture thing is mainly because what he considers torture (i.e. waterboarding, sleep deprivation, pumping loud music, etc.) is not nearly what I consider torture. Basically, we now have to ask Hajji nicely for information, and hope he finds it in his heart to cooperate. Maybe if we gave them candy...Also, he is looking to fund the murder of children everywhere by funneling my tax dollars into Planned Parenthood. Great.

I did get informed of something that I liked...I am trusting the word of one of his supporters, but I've no reason to doubt it, so I'll roll with it. He said that his executive staff will not be getting any raises this year if they already make above $100k. A little bit less government waste is always a good thing. There was one more tiny thing he did that I liked...Can't remember what it is, but I do remember that it rated a .3% plus.

So, he loses 2% for Gitmo/Torture, 3% for Planned Parenthood, and gains 1% for the raise thing, and .3% for whatever the little thing was he did. Final total: 94.3%.

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