Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pardons: Proof that Bush is Back on the Booze

Well, it’s official. Our President’s long success at sobriety is officially over. I cannot think of any other explanation that could address the list of pardons and commutations our man has issued here in the last week or so.

Let’s highlight a few of the best ones (from PMS-NBC):

- Andrew Foster of Falls Church, VA, convicted of the wrongful use and distribution of marijuana and cocaine.
- Geneva Yvonne Hogg of Jacksonville, Fla., convicted of bank embezzlement.
- And of course, my personal favorite: Obie Gene Helton of Rossville, Ga., whose offense was unauthorized acquisition of food stamps.

Unauthorized acquisition of food stamps!? Oh the humanity! The leader of the free world needs to address this issue IMMEDIATELY!

Lacking from the list of names are Ramos and Compean, the border agents who are currently languishing in Federal Prison. They are there because they shot a fleeing illegal alien drug dealer in the buttocks (the drug dealer was the only witness against them, by the way, and has since pled guilty to the charges against him).

Let’s take care of Foster, who was caught with 31 lbs of cocaine. He’s a fine upstanding man! Ramos? Heck no! Let that bastard rot. Obie’s food stamps: Priority #1. Compean being punished for doing his job? Priority #3,021.

You can go here or here to get details on the case. The short story is this is a miserable travesty of justice, one that could be quickly corrected by a swift stroke of the pen by Dubya. Many of you reading (I’m looking at you, Fluffy) may know I am somewhat lukewarm on the current President. I certainly don’t think he is the demon that the media makes him out to be. Neither do I think he is the worst President we have had in the last century or so (You only need to turn to Carter, Wilson, or FDR to save him from that). This latest round in a string of bungling, though (most notably the bailout), is testing my patience a bit.

Then again, maybe he just hasn’t gotten to it. I’m sure he’s just tied up taking care of the hot button food stamp issue.

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