Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Silver Lining

Wait! Put down the noose, put away the drain-o, and step off the ledge. You still have a lot to live for!

Sure, America just elected its first Socialist President. Sure, Republicans lost 5 seats in the Senate, bringing liberals breathtakingly close to a super majority. You already know all this. I could spend all day dooming and glooming about the prospects for the future, and I probably will some other time. Right now, though, let's look at the positive of all this. Walk with me.

1st: R.I.P. to hatemongering

America just elected its very first black President. This is a VERY historic time! Less than a century ago, racism was institutionalized. Only 50 years ago black Americans were being hosed in the streets. This is a sign of how far we have come. Perhaps now the Left can finally see that we are not a racist country. Perhaps hate mongers and race baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will be put out of a job. Probably not, but maybe! At the very least, their voice might lose some weight.

2nd: The race was close at all

To win, Obama had to back out of one of his early campaign promises not to accept public funding. So, instead of being limited to $84 million like McCain, he raised and spent over $650 million. McCain was outspent by 5-to-1 in some states!

62 million Americans voted for Obama. 55 million voted for McCain. Examine that for a second. McCain, who was the most pathetic candidate the Republicans could’ve fielded. McCain, who wasn’t conservative but Liberal Lite. 55 million voters felt so strongly against socialism that they ignored the massive spending, they ignored the charismatic speech. They held their noses and voted against it. If we can gather 55 million people to vote for a crappy candidate, then there is still hope.

3rd: Conservatism wasn’t beaten

Conservatism, Reagan’s party, was not beaten because it wasn’t even in the game! There was no conservative candidate. McCain was not the pick of the conservatives. The conservatives split their vote between Huckabee and Romney. Our way is not dead, fellas. Trust me.

4th: The Socialists are unleashed

This may seem like a bad thing, and trust me, it is. But it also has a positive side effect. Because of their larger majority in the Senate and the House, and a socialist President, they now have complete control over what happens. This means now that they cannot blame anyone else for what happens. Their extreme leftist policies will drive this country into the dirt. If they implement what they believe in our economy will take a nose dive and really crash. This will be painful, but it will also show that their way doesn’t work!

5th: Reagan after Carter

It took someone astronomically incompetent like Carter to give us Saint Ronald. Who knows what profound conservative leader may result from an Obama presidency? Perhaps Palin-Jindal 2012? Whoever it is, I have great hope that they will lead us into new prosperity.

6th:Time to organize

We now have 4, possibly 8, years to get our people together. We have this time to root out the “Me too” Republicans, the wishy-washy liberals who wear the R next to their name out of convenience. We have the chance to re-take the Republican party (or give a more worthy party strength) and make it something worth fighting for again. Let’s make a party that is for the Conservative Capitalist system again.

Be vigilant, my brothers. This time will be difficult. It will be trying. We can make it through, because when it comes down to it, we are Americans. We are exceptional. We are the greatest nation on the planet, bar NONE, for a reason.

Let’s get started.

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