Thursday, March 5, 2009

Every time I'm about to give up on Bush...

He goes and does something like this.

You gotta admire a guy who personally writes a letter to every single family (that's over 4000) who lost a family member in Iraq or Afghanistan (according to the Washington Times). He says he did it because he sees it as his duty as Commander-in-Chief to also be "comforter-in-chief" to those families who gave so much.

He and Vice President Cheney have spent countless hours visiting troops, taking extraordinary precautions to keep the Press away. The first lady said "these are such personal times when people grieve. And we grieve with them. And these are not times when you would want a camera in the room or other people around." That's right: A politician passed up hundreds, if not thousands, of opportunities for photos and great PR because it was the right thing to do.

Does this make Dubya a great President? No. This does, however, show that he really is a decent fella in an indecent world. Whether you agree with his policies or not, you gotta respect that.

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