Friday, March 13, 2009

Obama Approval Rating: 39%

Here we stand at day 52 of the Obama Presidency. My, it seems like just yesterday when $1 trillion seemed like a large amount of cash. How naive we all were! But I digress from the reason you are all here. On to the ratings:

The appetizer: Giving the Brits a collective slap in the face. Remember that we are told this President is the One. He will establish a new golden age of foreign policy. Everyone will love us, now, because we'll treat them with dignity and respect. Now, the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is visiting him for the first time. They are one of our strongest allies in all the world. How could you possibly humiliate them in just three easy steps? Let's find out. (Read about it at the Washington Post or the Cleveland Leader)

Step 1: Return symbolic gifts. After 9/11 the Brits sent a bust of Winston Churchill to President Bush as a show of solidarity. It would be worth hundreds of thousands of pounds were it to be sold on the open market. It was displayed in the Oval Office prominantly throughout Bush's first term. At the end of the first term, the Brits offered to extend the loan, and Bush accepted. The Brits told Obama that they would be happy to continue the loan through his term. His answer: "Thanks but no thanks." A bust of Lincoln now sits in it's place.

Step 2: Break the traditional greeting. Usually when foreign heads of state visit with the President you see them sitting, side by side, each one in front of his own nation's flag. Everyone's seen these sort of photo ops. They usually say a few words to eachother, greetings and pleasantries and then field some questions from reporters. What does our White House do? No flag for the PM, to start with, which is a not-too-subtle slap in the face for the leader of another nation. Then Obama skips all the greetings and goes straight to questions. In fact, PM Brown doesn't get to say a word for nearly six minutes. On top of this the joint Press Conference that was planned was canceled.

Step 3: Receive thoughtful gifts, give gifts from White House gift shop. Despite having been snubbed on the greeting, despite having been insulted by having the bust sent back unceremoniously, PM Brown still came through. First, a bit of history. The President's desk is made of wood from the HMS Resolute, a ship that was saved by Americans and returned to England as a gift. In return, Queen Victoria ordered the desk to be made of the wood of the Resolute once it was decommissioned. Nearly every President since Hayes (1880) has used this desk. It is a unique piece of history, and a very symbolic part of the White house.

Brown brought to the President a pen holder "carved from the timbers of the HMS Gannet, sister ship of the HMS Resolute, the wood of which was used to make the Oval Office desk". Not to be outdone with this very thoughtful and historic gift, Obama gives the PM...a gift basket of 25 Classic American DVDs. I hope Brown likes movies.

The wives exchanged gifts too. Brown's wife Sarah "picked out dresses and matching necklaces from the trendy UK store Top Shop for Obama's girls, Sasha and Malia, as well as a selection of books by British authors." Michelle's response? Two toy models of the Marine One helicopter. Wow, that's amazing. You couldn't get that anywhere...Except maybe every gift shop in DC.

Three easy steps to a diplomatic disaster. So simple a caveman could do it. The President loses 4% for this horribly inept reception.

Now on the the main event, the reason this post is done today: Considering have combat-wounded veterans pay for their own service-related injuries. (Thanks to Hotair) According to CNN:

"Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki confirmed Tuesday that the Obama administration is considering a controversial plan to make veterans pay for treatment of service-related injuries with private insurance...Asked about the proposal, Shinseki said it was under 'consideration.' "

If you're like me, you are currently picking your jawbone off the ground. Sure, it's not an official position yet. Sure, they haven't issued any piece of paper or supported legislation to get it done. Sure, if they were to put it to a vote, it would be "dead on arrival" (that from Sen. Patty Murray, D-Washington).

The fact remains, however, that it is being "considered" at all! That means that someone brought it up, and someone else thought it was a GOOD IDEA! This is how that conversation should have gone.

Person A: "Hey, I've got an idea to save money."
Person B: "Excellent! We always want to save the taxpayers money! That's the responsible thing to do, and our sacred duty to the American people."
Person A: "We should have veterans who get wounded in combat pay for their own service-related injuries with private insurance! We'll save LOADS of cash!"
Person B: "...." (Pulls out gun, shoots Person A in the face)

Normally this is where I would explain why the above action is wrong, and perhaps add some witty commentary. I don't think I can do that this time, though. In fact, there are really only two words that I can say to describe this: EPIC FAIL.

As much as I want to take him down the 10 Bajillion points he deserves, for now he loses 4% for not instantly condemning this position, and possibly firing Shinseki. Should it go on to be an official White House statement, more dramatic rating falls will follow.

This leaves Obama with a 39% approval rating. A 61% drop in just 52 days. How does he do it?

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