Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Update: Obama rating 33%

In my last blog I told you about Secretary Shinseki's statement that wounded veteran's should pay for their wounds with their own insurance. I gave Obama a 4% hit, and said that he'd get more if he actually went through with it. Then I happily submitted the rating, secure in the knowledge that not even Obama could possibly be reckless enough to actually support that. Having wrapped myself in said security blanket, I drifted blissfully to sleep.

Then Obama ripped my security blanket out of my hands, and used it to strangle a kitten. Read about it here. I'm dumbfounded. He plans to "generate $540-million by this method". Really? $540 million? Are you serious!? This administration has endorsed spending $1 billion an hour since they got into office, and yet they are apparently so concerned about the budget that they absolutely must screw our wounded warriors for 30 minutes worth of spending.

Think about that: If congress stopped spending money for 30 minutes, just took a quick lunch break, they'd save the same amount of money. In the time it takes to watch an episode of Samurai Jack, they could save the same amount of cash if they would just stop spending.

Re-enlistment bonuses in the National Guard have been eliminated due to budget cuts. Retention is down, recruitment is down, troop commitments in Afghanistan are going up. Now we're telling the American Fighting Man that if he engages the enemy and is unfortunate enough to be wounded, tough luck? This isn't exactly the Hope and Change we bargained for.

I apologize for the lack of my usual caustic wit. I'm trying, but it's really hard when I have massive quantities of blood shooting out of my eyes. Comrade Obama loses 6% for this outrageous continuation of his position. (He already lost 4% in the last post, and I've committed to a 10% up or down limit.)

Obama to Veterans: You're on your own.

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